Today we thought we would talk a little bit about the benefits of being an exhibitor at The First Look, our annual boutique wedding show!
If you are a wedding vendor in Southern Ontario and haven’t had the chance to exhibit at a wedding show, we think The First Look is a great opportunity to jump in and experience all the connections you can make, the pride of showcasing your business and just how much fun it can be.
Without a doubt, the number one takeaway from being a part of a wedding show as intimate and personal as The First Look would have to be the number of connections you make. Whether those connections are with potential clients or other industry professionals, getting to share who you are and what makes you and your business special, really can’t be done in any other capacity than in-person at a wedding show. Factor in all the lead-up time advertising your participation and hyping up the attendees all adds to the shared experience and simply can’t be beat!
With the exception of your website + online social media presence, there are few opportunities to really showcase your business and present your brand, style + vibe. We love seeing how vendors use every square inch of their booths and how each one is always so distinctly unique: although you are amongst other talented creatives + business owners, it’s so wonderful how each individual business can really shine and stand out.
Vendor Credits:
Photography: Philosophy Studios